Island Crest
Our Inagua

Plan for Inagua

Home to over 80,000 flamingos, the national bird of The Bahamas, Inagua is a haven for birdwatchers. Along with the flamingos, birding enthusiasts will find over 140 species of native and migratory birds, making Inagua the Birdwatching Capital of The Bahamas. The island is also home to three national parks/reserves, as well as one of three remaining kerosene-burning, hand-cranked lighthouses in The Bahamas. If ecotourism is your forte, Inagua is your destination.
Inagua is the southernmost island in The Bahamas and actually consists of two separate islands, Great Inagua Island and Little Inagua Island. Both are known for their natural surroundings and act as great destinations for ecotourists. Great Inagua is the third largest island in The Bahamas, stretching 20 miles long and 55.19 miles wide, with the Inagua National Park covering 45% of the island. The Park is home to over 80,000 West Indian Flamingos, the Bahama parrot, and other pelicans, ducks and hummingbirds found nowhere else in The Bahamas. Little Inagua Island is a protected habitat for endangered sea turtles and features a vast reef that prevents boaters and sailors from getting too close to its shores. Over 30 square miles of the island is uninhabited by locals.
Inagua is known for the third largest and the most southerly island in the Bahamas, Inagua is also the hottest and the driest. Home to a plant of the Morton Salt company it is the source of nearly a million pounds of salt annually. It is also home to one of the largest flamingo bird sanctuaries in the world.