Service Leadership
New Generation & Innovative Leadership

Andy Hanna, Business Executive, Certified Hospitality Trainer & Entrepreneur was born on the Island of New Providence to the proud parents of Edgar & Barbara-Ann Hanna. Partially raised on New Providence in the constituency of Englerston, Andy frequently visited the Islands of Crooked Island and Great Exuma as a little boy. Like all children, at the age of five (5); he attended Mable Walker and E. P. Roberts Primary, prior to completing secondary school at C. H. Reeves Junior High.
During Andy's senior years, he relocated with his Grandparents; Arnold Hanna of Colonel Hill Crooked Island and Estella Hanna Nee Darling formerly of Chesters Acklins ( both now decease) in the settlement of Colonel Hill, Crooked Island; where he attended the Colonel Hill Senior High School. In 2000 Andy returned to the Island of New Providence where he attended the R. M. Bailey Senior High School, It was then, Andy's teacher discovered his natural leadership ability to influence others with a down-to-earth touch. In 2001 Andy graduated obtaining his High School diploma.
Service Leadership
Discovering his capabilities, talents, and potentials, Andy has served in numerous leadership positions from the early age of 18 in various companies including Kerzner International Atlantis, Choice Hotels "Comfort Suites" Paradise Island and the Baha Mar Casino Hotel where he served as a Housekeeping Supervisor and a Technical Skills Training Specialist at the Baha Mar Academy. Andy is a young professional hospitality trainer, a budding entrepreneur owning his own business; (Bahamian Global ), and currently serving as Managing Director at Magic Touch Cleaning Company a leading janitorial company in the Bahamas. Proven as a capable and dependable leader, Andy is able to lead any group of individuals to achieve their goals.
Presently Andy holds a Bachelor's Degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management from Harris University and Ashworth College respectfully, Service Leadership Certification from Florida International University, Operations Management Certification from Stone-bridge College to name a few. Being passionate about making a difference in his community and country at large, Andy became a volunteer at the “Community Center for Life” an outreach ministry of Nassau Fellowship Center (the church he attends regularly). The Center caters to the community of Englerston providing educational support to the children with after-school programs and free BGC & BGCSE tutoring. Having a love for service, people and national development Andy is a member and volunteer of ORG Bahamas (the Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG) and OSB (Operation Sovereign Bahamas): not-for-profit civic foundations committed to realizing a brighter future by creating dialogue, insights, and solutions around the challenges affecting accountable governance, education reform, and economic development in The Bahamas.
Political Past (History)
Descending from a line of prominent Bahamian politicians; including former Governor General the Late Sir Clifford Darling, Andy's involvement in politics and nation-building was no secret to his family. His entrance into the political arena begins in early 2001 when he started campaigning for the first female Minister of Foreign Affairs and the first woman ever elected to parliament in the Bahamas the Hon. Dame Janet Bostwick. Andy continued on the political campaign path supporting the torch for other FNM Candidates and Parliamentarians like Hon. Rome Italia Johnson; first female speaker of the House of Assembly, Sen. Hon. Gladys Johnson-Sands, Mrs. Pauline Cooper-Nairn, the Hon. Dion Foulkes, the Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner - first female Opposition Leader and the Hon. Dr. Duane Sands. Staying the course and proven himself faithful, Andy has served as an executive member in the FNM Yamacraw and Elizabeth Associations respectfully: a former Assistant Secretary - Yamacraw, former Vice President - Elizabeth Youth Torchbearers and as Treasurer - Elizabeth.
Andy is a proven and dedicated leader, an innovator, patriot; a true nationalist at heart who believes that the Bahamas is in need of true representation that is truly about the business of the Bahamian people, not political parties, special interest groups, their friends, family, and lovers.