Farming boasts $1billion per year of our national food expenditure and this cannot be sustained. Based on the richness of our land without compromising cost, quality & the talent of our people, farming in The Bahamas can comfortably employ 20,000 persons. This sector in 1978 employed over 9,700 persons in agriculture. Today there are less than 2,000 persons employed both directly & indirectly. Farming remains the lifeblood of our nation’s economy. We can expand this sector by harnessing and growing our international reputation as ‘the Green Isles of the Western World’. The next Member of Parliament for MICAL should seek to achieve the following:
MICAL’s Path forward>>
Ensure the achievement of the target of 5% of land in organic agriculture and meet the growing demand for domestically produced organic produce by providing adequate resources and supports for the achievement of the target, with a focus on export substitution in areas where MICAL is under producing at present e.g. horticulture, maricultural, etc.
Petition government to set up supports for a Farming Scheme for conversion to organic production, Capital Grants for the Organic, and farming Sector.
Optimise MICAL’s competitive advantage as a GM-Free Constituency. Introducing a voluntary GM-Free logo for use in all relevant product labeling and the advertisement of locally grown products.

Petition government to Legislate a National Food Security Act to develop resilience in food production capacity to future proof against substantial rises in prices.
Promote and support a network of Farmers’ Markets at Local and Central Authority level to encourage more direct selling from producers to consumers.
Lobby government to develop a template for the establishment of FarmGate Shops and ensure that the necessary legislative arrangements are made to facilitate this.

Resume, Promote and support the “Bahamianization Campaign” by supporting Bahamian grown agriculture and fisheries products making it mandatory by law and readily available in the public sector banning foreign imported products that are grown locally.
The Creation of a “niche” fresh market for poultry, pork, mutton and lamb as well as the processing of such products. The Construction of State of the Art Slaughtering facilities and Packing House Agribusiness Centres in MICAL.
Lobby for the enactment of B.O.A.A (Bahamas Oceanic Atmospheric Authority) an independent body with the responsibility of daily weather forecast, severe storm warnings, climate monitoring, aviation to marine commerce, fisheries management and Supervision of the country coastal and marine resources.

Petition government to step up supports for the harvesting of marine products that are in high demand in world markets including sea eggs, seaweed, and sea cucumbers. These products, which are naturally in abundance (in MICAL) can be harvested to make new and lucrative industries for Bahamians that can create jobs and business opportunities. In fact, this industry can play a major role in our national economy.
Lobby support for layer producers in getting back to self-sufficiency in fresh eggs and expand this agribusiness by encouraging producers to move into value-added commodities, such as processed and convenience forms of eggs for commercial, food service and home use. Place greater emphasis on food processing and value-added products in the farming communities in MICAL to develop sustainable economies.
Lobby for an industrial component to the Cascarilla Bark processing which has been an economic agro-forestry commodity in Crooked Island & Acklins that is exported as a raw material.
Ensure a greater market share for horticulture by facilitating growth and further development of nursery and landscaping enterprises.
Support and ensure the proper farming of top and sisal. Conduct studies and research for planting and harvesting of rice and wheat.

The creation and implementation of Fish farms in Crooked, Acklins and Inagua, with innovative and technological advancement in fisheries.
Lobby for the appointment of fisheries extension officers in MICAL, to launch the maricultural industry and to expand and coordinate these area’s existing in the fishing industry. Pursuing policies and programmes designed to promote maricultural in MICAL as a significant and sustainable industry by 2022.
The Path Forward is a 20-year Development plan designed to generate economic growth and to develop sustainable economies in Mayaguna, Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins and Long Cay (MICAL). The ideas, initiatives and programs mentioned in this document was written as a guide mapping out an economic development path forward for the southern islands of the Bahamas.
By Andy Hanna.