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Writer's picture: OurMical Daily ObserverOurMical Daily Observer

Updated: Nov 12, 2023


Photo: courtesy of OurMical

New Providence, Bahamas - After declaring "A State of Public Emergency" on March 18 Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis in the Houses of Parliament tabled and pass the "Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Order." In a move to get a headstart to combating this virus that has spread around the globe infecting others (causing cough, fever and in severe cases pneumonia), killing more than 7,300 people worldwide, ravaging economies in the process.

Under the advice of the Ministry of Health Officials, Prime Minister the Hon Dr. Hubert A. Minnis implement a list of precautionary health measures and protocols. A national curfew was imposed capturing headlines as the news made it around the country. Label "extreme measures" by many Bahamians, the Prime Minister's announcement was meet with mixed-views with majority objecting to such a decission.

Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Order

The regulations grant wide-ranging powers to the prime minister that will allow for, among other things, the detention of people infected with COVID-19 or those who traveled to infected places; the possible prohibition of assembly of two or more people in any specific area; the requisition of any building, ship or aircraft; a curfew; social distancing and isolation orders; restricted access to specified areas; and the prohibition of publishing or re-posting false stories. The regulations state that any person who contravenes the provisions commits an offense and is liable to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 18 months or both.

Photo: courtesy of Eyewitness News

“By taking such draconian measures without putting in place a contingency plan; this sudden move by the government will put a major dent in our economy. Which, if not manage properly will be unsurvivable,”

said Andy Hanna, Managing Director of Magic Touch Cleaning.

In an interview with OurMical Daily Observer Hanna stated "it is unknown how long this pandemic will last but what we do know is that mostly (small) businesses won’t make it without an income, resulting in an economic collapse. Therefore, I have submitted a response proposal to the Minister of Health the Hon. Dr. Duane Sands." This newspaper can confirm that copies of this communication was sent (via facebook) to the Office of the Prime Minister the Hon. Hubert A. Minnis, Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Peter Turnquest, Acting Financial Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Marlon Johnson, and Opposition party representatives; Mr. Latrae Rahming (PLP), and DNA Leader Mrs. Arinthia Komolafe.

“I believe the proposed response will accomplish what the government is seeking to achieve. It protects customer health, and still allows businesses to operate with some wiggle room whilst maintaining an acceptable level of social distancing." - Andy Hanna

In his communication, Hanna commended the Health professionals and the Ministry of Health for the great work they are doing in the treatment and care of those who have been infected with this virus, those recovering, and offering his condolences to the families who have lost love ones to COVID-19.

Being committed to the fight against the Coronavirus, Hanna's COVID-19 Response Proposal (submitted 3/20/2020) to the Government of the Bahamas outline the following:

Environmental Health Measures

1. Place wash stations at the entry and exits of all public places and spaces. Making it mandatory persons sanitize themselves prior to entering and exiting all establishments.

2. Commence Immediately with a National Sanitation Campaign of Public, Private Schools, Places and Spaces. Ensuring proper sanitization is being done repetitiously.

3. Public Education: continue to stress to the population the importance of practicing social distancing (when visiting public places), hygiene and sanitization of their homes and personal spaces.

4. Provide sanitization kits to all Bahamian homes complimentary of Environmental Health. Make portable water accessible to homes that are applicable (i.e homes without running water and inner-city communities, and shantytowns)

Public Health Measures

5. Acquisition of (a minimum 900,000k - 1.1mill) test kits and make Screening & Testing mandatory for all. (# includes retesting, false reading, etc).

  1. There are many health professionals not engage in this process at the moment. Government must recruit all qualified: asses their skill-set educate and train in the administration protocols and standard procedures of testing, screening and quarantining persons.

“What we really need to focus on is finding those who are sick, those who have the virus, and isolate them, find their contacts and isolate them,” -Mike Ryan, Executive Director, World Health Organization."

6. Set up testing and screening centers throughout the capital and the family islands i.e. all ports of entry, public clinics and hospitals.

7. Establish and Identify quarantine venues to house those potentially infected if the need arises in a worst-case scenario.

8. Impose curfews and or lockdowns with reasonable terms in areas where applicable (i.e hotspot areas: (Grants town, fox hill, subdivisions, etc), islands, cays) and or nationwide if applicable. Extend to an additional 1- 2 weeks if needed, revise the order where and when appropriate.

“The danger right now with the lockdowns ... if we don’t put in place the strong public health measures now when those movement restrictions and lockdowns are lifted, the danger is the disease will jump back up.” - Mike Ryan, Executive Director, World Health Organization.

9. Liaison with diplomatic ties; counties utilizing or set to distribute test kits, PPEs and vaccines to combat the virus within their territories. (E.g the United States, China, Korea, etc.) Partner with them to supply us with vaccines/meds and supplies.

Social & Financial Support Measures

10. Distribution of immune-boosting vitamins and care packages to all, in particularly vulnerable groups, (seniors, children's and the disable) complimentary of Social Services department.

11. Tier Social and financial assistance to all Bahamian households by category, a tailored economic stimulus grant package for business owners, and self-employed persons, NIB unemployment benefit support for recently and temporary unemployed persons impacted by the global health crisis.

  1. Social Services Assistance (SSA) consist of Food vouchers/cards, and bill payments.

  2. Financial Assistance consist of Mortgage & Rental Assistance (MRA) for Tenants, and Landlords, to be administered by the Ministry of Social Services in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance via Bahamas Mortgage Corporation and or another financial institution(s) i.e Bank of the Bahamas via funding of the Government.

  • A Mortgage and Rental Relief Fund (MRRF) should be established which will be financed via a loan, bond, PPP and or by the proceeds of real property tax or some other means. The fund will be used as a means to provide financial support to mortgage holders and tenants. Mortgage holders and Tenants will be categorized in tiers (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier) according to their circumstances/needs.

  1. Tier 1 - Maximum Assistance (Urgent) - Description: Rent or Mortgage that have fallen into (6 -?) Months of Arrears due to unemployment/economic hardship. Who's Qualified: Applicant must be Guardian/Single/Dual Parent. Must be unemployed (one or both parents), provide proof of rental/mortgage receipt and rental/mortgage agreement. Assistance: 3 months payment cancellation. A Payment Assistance % of up 80% for 6 - or? months not exceeding 12 months or a financial disbursement not exceeding: $$$$ - $$$$$.

  2. Tier 2 - Moderate Assistance - Description: Rent or Mortgage that have fallen into (4 -6) Months of Arrears due to unemployment/economic hardship. Who's Qualified: Applicant must be Guardian/Single/Dual Parents. Must be unemployed (one or both parents), provide proof of rental/mortgage receipt and rental/mortgage agreement. Assistance: 2 months payment cancellation. A Payment Assistance % of 60% for 2 - 4 months not exceeding 6 months or a financial disbursement not exceeding: $$$ - $$$$

  3. Tier 1 - Minimal Assistance - Description: Rent or Mortgage that have fallen into (1- 3) Months of Arrears due to unemployment/economic hardship. Who's Qualified: Applicant must be Guardian/Single/Dual Parents. Must be unemployed (one or both parents), provide proof of rental/mortgage receipt and rental/mortgage agreement. Assistance: 1 months payment cancellation. A Payment Assistance % of 0% for 2 - months not exceeding 3 months or a financial disbursement not exceeding: $$$ - $$$$

The Government of the Bahamas via the Central Bank of the Bahamas will move to:

  • Cancel interest rates, fees, and any additional charges on all mortgages for up to 9 months (with no accrued interest payments to be made herethereafter),

  • Provide tax cuts or concessions on real property tax to landlords and or financial institutions willing to participate in the Mortgage and Rental Relief (MRR) Program.

Restriction Measures

12. Lifting of Restrictions: Manufacturers and Suppliers of Sanitation and Cleaning products and Cleaning services, Farming & Fisheries Industry, Medical, and pharmaceutical supplies and services, among other business deemed as essential services, the opening of family island economies that are COVID-19 Free with precautionary health and security measures in place, just to name a few.


Now, I am no health professional/technocrat. However, I do know that Curfews, Lockdowns, and Social Distancing are not enough to stop or suppress the virus and it shouldn't be the only or main line of defense used to combat this virus. We must not take the lazy way out by extending lockdowns, we must prepare for life after COVID-19.

There are other avenues that can be taken to preserve the Bahamian existence. The question is, is the government prepared to spend and acquire the needed resources and assistance to fight this virus. These are just some of my ideas and thoughts, though I'll share.

Hanna said he's confident that the Minister of Health the Hon Dr. Duane Sands will share his response proposal with the Cabinet of the Bahamas. Hanna also stated that he hopes some of his recommendations are implemented.


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